Parabens are preservatives that have been widely used in the beauty industry since the 1920's. In fact, they are the most used preservative in daily care products. Paraben stop bacteria, fungus, etc. from growing in your skincare formula. New studies though have been pointing to their use resulting in health issues and negative effects. There is growing evidence that Parabens can increase your risk of getting breast cancer, even in men. Additionally there is also mounting evidence to support claims that Parabens have led to an increase in testicular cancer as they disrupt our endocrine system. Men have also showed signs of lower sperm counts which can be attributed to the use of Parabens.
Parabens are so popular in skincare products because they are cheap and effective at preserving the formulas. Despite this, there are still natural preservatives that can be used keep your skincare product fresh. When choosing any product to use on your body, check that they are Paraben Free before purchase. Companies that offer Paraben Free skincare, like Game Day, have taken the time to completely design their formulas from scratch to optimize natural ingredients and limit toxins for full skin health benefits. There is just no reason to use cheap skincare and put yourself at risk to the rigors of using toxic chemicals on your skin.