Have you ever picked up any skincare or daily care product and read the ingredients. Almost everything today contains alcohol, and for years contains alcohol. Since daily care became a thing, men have sworn by brand name products that are loaded with alcohol. While many companies claim that alcohol helps the active ingredients penetrate the skin to help, they in fact mostly use them to change the consistency and feel of their formulas to make them appeal to the consumer. Alcohol is an old world ingredient that should never be applied to the skin for any reason, including as an antiseptic (which even today medical professionals are steering away from using alcohol in this way).
In reality, alcohol strips the skin of its moisture and protective barrier. This is part of the reason why it eliminates acne. Do you really want to get rid of your acne at the expense of your skin health? There are so many natural ingredients that promote skin health that can defeat acne just as well. Additionally alcohol kills skin cells and your skin's ability to defend against free radicals. With UV exposure gaining so much negative press for the rigors they take on your skin, why on earth would you choose to use something with an ingredient that completely defeats the purpose of skincare?
The worst you can use alcohol for though is as an aftershave. Why so many men choose to use, and swear by alcohol as a aftershave is purely due to the industry's history and no reason to change it based on the dollars. As long as it is cheap to make and people buy it, why change it. After shaving, you need to HYDRATE this skin. Alcohol strips the skin of its moisture, causing the complete opposite effect of what you ideally want. There are so many natural antiseptics on the market there is just simply no reason to choose one with alcohol. Game Day's is alcohol free and a skin hydrating serum.
There really is not much to debate or argue. Go to your bathroom right now and check if you are using product that contains alcohol. If you are, you should seriously consider switching to something a little more modern.