Spring inspires most runners to move from the treadmill to the track. While it feels great to be able to feel the warmth of the sun on your face instead of that chapped windburn, it is important to use SPF, as our skin has been hibernating all winter long. With a few simple skincare tips your skin will be protected and you will be able to enjoy the outdoors without a care in your head.
1. Prevent
On runs, your may mouth become dehydrated, and your lips dried out. Game Day' moisturizing Mint Lip Balm + SPF15 revives your lips. And get this - it's waterproof, so no need to reapply as you sweat.
2. Clear
When running outside be mindful that you are exposing your skin to various toxins. Pollen levels are increasing and the residue may seep its way into your pores, making it essential to exfoliate after a run. Use Game Day's Pre-Shave: Invigorating Scrub as a daily scrub go open the pores and clear out the toxins.
3. Restore
Cool off and replenish your skin, after your workout, with our Charing Spray: Energizing Facial Tonic. The Makandi-Root Extract in the energizing mist helps to break up free-radicals in the skin, which may lead to sun damage.