Our BEST-SELLING Charging Spray is a staple in many guy's gym bags, cars, desks, bathrooms, etc. But what is the Charging Spray and why do you need it?
Charging Spray is a REVOLUTIONARY blend between an innovative energy spray and a facial tonic. Quite simply, there is nothing else like it on the market. Vitamins and Anti-Oxidants absorb into the skin, providing natural energy with no crash. At Game Day we try to avoid caffeine and other uppers, providing natural energy that is good for the body similar to fruit with no jitters. Perfect for when you wake up, before or after a work-out, or just when you are feeling a little tired a work. Just a few sprays and you will be good to go!
Charging Spray also has skin benefits as well. Pear-Cactus Extract and Theaflavins from Black Tea Help to hydrate the skin to prevent and eliminate fine-lines and wrinkles. Makandi Root Extract, along with the Black Tea Extract also work to prevent sun-damage and break-up free radicals in the skin. Alpine Willowherb Extract helps to regulate the skin's oil production, helping to prevent breakouts. If you are looking for a great, all-around, fun and easy to use skincare product to add to your daily routine, look no further than Charging Spray!