Your thirties are an exciting time! You and your friends are starting to settle down, start a family and enjoy some of the hard work you have put in since you graduated college. Your body is still young but your mind is begging to get wise. Your thirties are a great time to set good skincare habits to help combat the aging process that there just is not escaping. Follow these steps and no one will believe that you aren't still in your twenties.
1. Watch the Eyes
The first place where signs of aging will begin to show will be the eyes. Make sure to keep this area moisturized in both the AM and PM. Look for signs of crows feet and wrinkles around the eyes. The wear and tear of time on your body will begin to diminish the skin's ability to hold moisture and this will lead to wrinkles and bags under the eyes. Keep it moisturized and keep the wrinkles away.
2. Address your Forehead
This is the second place where you will start to see signs of aging. You want to address the signs as soon as possible. If you start to see extra wrinkles on your forehead, put a bit of extra effort into keeping the area hydrated and protected. Even a dab of our Moisturizer: Hydrator + SPF30+ will go a long way to keep the years at bay.
3. Keep an Active Lifestyle
There is no better way to stay looking young than to keep an active lifestyle. Make sure you train your body to have balance, as loss of balance is one of the first areas where the body will start to break down. You may not have as much flexibility as when you were young, but keeping your body in shape will keep it engaged and healthy. An unhealthy lifestyle will cause premature aging and no one wants that.